Without going into too much detail, it's fair to say that Hungry's existence was a bit of a surprise. Not in an "Oops!" sort of way, but more in a "Huh, how did that happen?" sort of way. And yes, we do know how babies are made. We were not doing anything to prevent, but we also were a few months away from the actively, concertedly trying stage. We had shooting for a theoretical Hungry to be a Summer 2010 arrival in mind.
I had been fairly faithful in charting my temperatures and thought I had a pretty good idea of when things were "safe" and when they weren't. I was keeping track of my temperatures in an Excel spreadsheet, rather than in a more graphical format, like FertilityFriend.com. In hindsight, that might have been helpful, but I digress. Since going off of birth control, I had been lucky enough to have nice, predictable 31-day cycles. On Monday morning, I went to enter my temperature into my spreadsheet as usual and realized I was a day late. That was unusual for me, and since I had a few tests in the bathroom cabinet, I decided to take one. To say that I was surprised when it came up positive would be an understatement. So I took another one. Positive again. Still, these were tests from the dollar store, so I wasn't going to put a lot of faith in them.
That day happened to also be the first day of my Maymester course, which meant I would be in class that day from noon until 3:15. Feeling more than a smidgen freaked out, I went on to class and did my best to focus. I stopped at Target on the way home and picked up a box of digital pregnancy tests. I came home and took both of them, as well as the remaining dollar store test I had left. Confusion ensued. I got two "pregnant" results via the digital tests and a negative from the third dollar store test. Not knowing what to think, I then made a trip to Walmart for a box of First Response non-digital tests. There were two or three tests in the box. I took all of them. All positive. Huh...
This didn't seem like the sort of news to tell Bryon over the phone, and I was way too shocked to come up with anything cute, so I left my array of pregnancy tests sitting on the bathroom counter and waited for him to come home. I figured when he went to change his clothes he would notice them. Not so much. I finally said, "So, I had an interesting day today..." thinking he'd then say something inquiring as to what I meant by that. Nothing. I finally directed him to look at the counter. He glanced over and said, "Oh...you had a positive test?" As I recall, my response to him was something like, "No, you doofus, I had about 7!" I think it's fair to say that his level of shock and surprise equaled what I had been feeling all day. I mean, while we both knew how it happened in the scientific sense, without getting too detailed, neither one of us were quite sure how it happened from a timing perspective. But happen it obviously did!
And so the adventure begins...
In Which She Writes Promises Her Blog Can't Cash
2 years ago
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